Monday 9 March 2009

There are a lot of happy wolves tonight.

The moon is beautiful, high and bright, shining through our living room window. It makes up for the last few days of snowfall and cold weather!

There were a couple of 4 inch snowfalls that happened last week and this week it's decided that -25 is good March weather. What? We've come to the conclusion that 3.5 months of white stuff is our limit. This year is abnormal (I believe they said that last year) with the cold weather and the snow pack still pretty deep. It was thawing for a week and every body was thinking of parking the parkas. The roads were clear or slush. Absolute heaven and then kaboom. Mother Nature plays tricks.

Thankfully, it's the sun that saves us. Clear, pristine skies.

They are subdividing acreage just behind us and across the road. If they continue as they are we will have a lake view! And then the property behind us needs to down their beetle pines. The hills are very visible now. Amazing changes. It must have repercussions with the wildlife! It seems that acreage can only be 5 acre plots now; no more half acres like ourselves.

The Canucks are losing to LA 3-2. Honestly.

Some moonrise shots (very grainy as I have a cheap camera) and the last snow shovelling. It was a cold day and the grader had left us a few more inches than we wanted. And Twilight, mmmmmmm.

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