Wednesday 21 January 2009

Just had a wonderful talk with Mad Margaret of the Lunatic. She makes my soul sing.

The Cariboo is covered in white crystals these last few days. Every morning we have woken to hoar frost on the snow, trees, bushes...probably even the resident fox. There are these beautiful bushes that are everywhere (hopefully lots in my back yard once I have one) and they are covered in frost. I don't think the pictures capture how magical they are. Enjoy them.

The pantry is starting to look "finished". I have the ceiling joints to do and some sanding and then I can say "I'm done" and move on to the bathroom. It's been hard work on my hands---one of my fingers on my right hand actually stays in a fist shape and then pops out. That can't be good. Thank god for Arthritis Tylenol. I'm looking forward to sewing once I have some free time and if the mudding kills my hands I'll be mighty ticked off.

Mamma Mia and Shrimp with Noodles (Bill loves this so it's on the menu once a week)

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