Monday 24 November 2008

It looks like will be accepting this blog soon. I didn't see the usual warning until I signed in. Yay!

A lazy Monday morning; at least I'm lazy. Bill is out stacking the wood and thinking of lunch. I on the other hand have just finished breakfast and got dressed. The house is also clean; we go to the Deka Lake Mall after Bill's lunch to dump all the leftover drywall. One more pile out of the yard. The other piles are organic and can be burned this spring or this winter if the snow doesn't want to fall. That's all that people are talking snow. And as I've said in my facebook, I'll be spraypainting the place for Jen if it doesn't snow.

Jen will be coming December 21 on the 1:30 am bus! Who drives a bus at that hour? We cannot wait to see her.

We had our first Sunday dinner with J1 and family. It was a little later than expected as I'm not too sure about using the oven at over 3,000 feet. The chickens took a little longer than they should have but there was wine. K sang one of her songs which was of course emotional and of course, I cried. Her singing is delightful. It was the first time we had any "quality" time with C and he is such a great little 10 year old (almost 11!). J1 was 10 when we moved to Ireland 25 years ago. He was such a brave old soul our J1.

Time to throw another log on the fire, check the soup and generally enjoy life.

Still working on photos. It sounded easy but obviously I need to read everything again.

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