Friday 5 December 2008

Went to bed with a skiff of snow on the ground...woke up to about 10 inches and it turned to ice pellets and freezing rain. Holy Hannah! At least it will save on the white spray paint I was going to need for Jennifer's visit. She will have her White Christmas, that is, if we can get into 100 Mile to pick her up. Not to worry Jen, there is a local dog sled available.

Current conditions

I'm listening to Christmas music on Live 365 (highly recommended internet radio!!) and enjoying the relaxing day. Bother the drywall we say. Jody and Sandi have plans to go to Kamloops to shop for Christmas but the weather looks just so dicey. Freezing rain all afternoon and night. If they do, it's transporting Kayla to work and having Cameron (permanently attached to XBox360) over until the late evening. We're looking forward to that but I'm not so sure about the games he plays. Maybe if I squint really hard and wear ear plugs? What am I saying...I'll probably be right in there shooting the aliens.

Check the new Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer??? How cool is that? I opened it yesterday and am just looking at it all day. Is it not gorgeous? Isn't it? Isn't it? I cannot wait until I use it. There may be Love Buns this year!

What is it about Christmas music? It must be the feeling of being a child again. Anticipation of Santa, Christmas pageants, songs, hard candy that stuck together, pie, that horrible cottage cheese jello mold Grandma made, Japanese oranges that came in a wooden crate, cousins, Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents, dressing up, nuts, Candlelight service, choirs....all that good stuff except the jello mold.

Tuna melts tonight? Slaw with it? Ah, food. Oh, yes, maybe some wine in bumblebee glasses. Someone drank the whiskey.

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