Thursday 4 December 2008

Do I feel smart. I've figured out (sort of) how to make the links hot on my blog. I still don't quite have the actual insert right but I'll get there.

It's been very cold for Bill and I (-13 overnight) so our little Coast van is plugged in every night and we are adding to the fire throughout the night. Snow is to come tonight and then freezing rain this Friday.

Yesterday was town day. The drive in was again beautiful as the world was frosted. We went by the way of Lone Butte to pick up my Chapters books (the post office is in Lone Butte for the Deka Lake people) and then into town. My absolutely, splendiferous Kitchen Aid Ultra Stand Mixer in sexy black was in at Sears!! Today I'm unpacking it and just going to look at it for a while. This means so much to me as I love to bake/cook but mixing bowls and I do not work well together since I hurt my left hand at work. (Yes, Library work can be dangerous; it's embarrassing that your injury is referred to as "washerwoman's syndrome"!). Coral's family and two friends gave me a gift certificate for Sears (my favourite store now) and this is what I bought. Such a wonderful piece of equipment. Jam-Jams will be made this Christmas and Love Buns (look that up).

Christmas shopping is a little more challenging for me this year. Number one we don't have the choices in 100 Mile and Number two...what money? I spent most of my time asking store owners if someone sold Emu boots. That went over like a lead balloon. They have Bearpaw boots; you know, actual boots you can walk in snow, ice, etc. 100 Mile has some nice stores but just not the choice. It will take just a little more thinking. Liquor is always nice.

Our floor was delivered on Tuesday. We were expecting large young men driving a hi-ab but nope. Roy, around 70, with dog came with a trailer load and he unloaded 1300 sf of floor, handing it through the bedroom window then through the living room window. Bill then placed the lengths on two walls. I played with "turkey" the dog who has not quite picked up the concept of chasing stick then letting go of stick. And it was freezing! Sunny but soooo cold. We got it all in, though. Bill figures we're the only people building a house ass backwards. But James has been holding the floor for a few months and it really needs to acclimatize in the house. And I like to have things paid for. Our next big money item is the siding which we hope will be in the early Spring. We're saving putting the siding up until Dan can join us. We'd hate for him to be left out of the process. He needs to bring up another tea bag as Cuddles has eaten the other one.

This morning just looks frozen out there. A good morning to play with new toys and add a few pics to the blog now that I have half an idea as to what to do. I do miss my ITS group. It was much easier to yell at Alan for help or phone John in tears. Now I have to do it myself as Bill seems to be busy with other things...building, taps, book 2 of the Jack Strong trilogy, ya, ya.

We've learned a new word "prorogue" this week. A word we all could do without knowing the meaning, I'm sure.

Movie of the day: Pete Seeger, the Power of Song
It is such an exhilarating statement on how to live your life within a community. His wife, Toshi, is my hero. I had seen it a few months ago but Bill had only seen bits of it. A good compromise movie for us. Although, he did agree on the rental of Martin Scorsese's Stones Shine a light. Looking forward to watching this. Bill's not a fan of all their music but he's interested in seeing how this group functions (can you use that word with the Stones?). We shall see.

Open present, have lunch, scrape wall, fill any problems, move on to side seems, go for daily walk.....hasta.

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